ketchup is my cat and i love her!!! i got her from a rescue in april 2021. she was found on the outskirts of a feral colony with absolutely terrible mange :( but the rescue cleaned her up really well and she was all fluffy with only a couple scabs by the time we met! she is the perfect cat for me :)
sweet angel chuppy!!!
age: ~8 years
color: blue with silver and glitter
pattern: classic tabby
coat texture: super plush, like a rabbit
size: average, 10lbs
nicknames: chup/chuppy, chipchup, chippy/chips, miss maam
things ketchup likes:
things ketchup does not like:
i think she's part bengal. yeah, i know that's insane for a street cat, it's not like dogs, you should only expect domestic landrace cats out of a shelter and that is what i expected when i picked her, but hear me out: the coat alone is a tell. i've never pet another cat as soft and luxurious as her, she has a pelt, near chinchilla textured, and the glitter is rare and interesting as well. when her fur was still growing back, you could more easily see her tabby pattern has a faint outline. her head and body shape are close to breed standard. she talks a lot. on the no side, she isn't very active and she's too scared of everything to be much troubles. i don't think she's 100% or anything, definitely not a show quality pattern or fully allowed color, but she looks like other confirmed bengal mixes to me. i want to get her DNA color tested with UC davis, they have one that looks for bengal genes that should tell me if it's true, but i keep forgetting about it. if she is all moggie, she's got some funky mutations! anyway, some strong examples of her glitter, it is prismatic in the sun and a pearly sheen in low lighting:
a weird pic of the glitter in artificial light + i can see the pattern outline in these ones if i squint lol. her patterning is pretty muddy in general and her coat is a little long to get full definition, but it seems to be a non-show quality match to the charcoal bengal pattern including the goggles, mask, and cape on the wrong body color. i don't know how she got to be a dilute with a charcoal pattern, that's not standard! i'm really fascinated with her genetics!!
i catch her making a really evil face quite often and have deemed this beast PUKTEK. beware the creature's foul energies
we are best friends :)