hello again! i'm james :) i am a full-time loser, part time "artist"/pet parent/weed connoisseur/eldest daughter/disabled slug/wanna-be cowboy in my late twenties, living with my parents in los angeles. i went to bad kid boarding school and missed the end of the good internet and i will always be chasing that dragon, so here i am! this site is for collecting things i enjoy and sharing things i make.

thanks for visiting!


i can't really remember the first time i went online - it feels like i've always been here. my dad is a huge computer nerd who brags about being online when no one else was, and he gave us kids similarly precocious access to the internet. i mostly played dressup games, neopets, toontown, VMK (forever missed), and webkinz, the year i got one for a birthday. i think back fondly to getting grounded for giving our computer a virus from the zwinky toolbar.

me aged 5 enjoying some sega swirl

lucky and unlucky for my psyche, i got put out to the troubled teen school pastures in 7th grade, keeping me mostly offline until i graduated high school. i dodged 4chan, newgrounds, surprise porn and all the worst, but missed out completely on myspace, youtube anime, the good kids' mmos like club penguin or poptropica, the birth of memes, and the best parts of being a teen emo. my graduation was just in time for facebook's reign, tumblr's rise, and the start of real fandoms, and in my fervor to catch up, i managed to get kinda tumblr famous for a while? thanks, homestuck. i regret this and you won't find much of me in public spaces nowadays.

for the last half a decade or so, i've just been... lurking, i guess? i kind of like it that way, but as my disabilities get worse, i've started to accept that i need my online presence to be fulfilling. i can't digital detox like most people could, i'd go insane in my house without something to entertain and educate me like the internet does. i'm trying to take steps to make my day-to-day better, because in the end, life is all the days-to-days and then you die.

i miss having somewhere that isn't forcibly connected to my legal name. i hate thinking about how aesthetically pleasing my feed looks. i wish i didn't have to worry about whether this is a good time to post art according to the algorithm. i want to goof off and enjoy myself! so i've made this. i spent way too long coding everything myself, offline, the old fashioned way (though i'm "cheating" with sublime instead of notepad, i hate closing tags and i'm not sorry) and if you're reading this, i'm happy enough with it. yay?


gender: butch dyke (they/it)

bday: jan 12 (capricorn)

hobbies: digital art, casual gaming, historical + modern fashion, knitting, animal care + welfare, roller skating, birdwatching, fundie snark, doll collecting

likes: sweet drinks, an ocean breeze, reality tv, fictional evil women, making soup, sparkly things, museums

dislikes: wearing socks, crowds + traffic, mornings, repetitive noise, acrylic yarn, horror + gore, crickets


foods: most pastries, stir-fried noodle dishes, spicy tuna, cheese rangoons

drinks: barq's root beer, wintermelon boba, cola flavor slushies, tropical fruit juice, sweet tea

animals: tigers, corvids, horses, cattle, arachnids, raptors, cats and dogs

colors: chartreuse, blush pink, gold, phthalo green

games: guild wars 2, zoo tycoon, harvest moon, professor layton, animal crossing, dragon age